Tuesday, November 5, 2013

{gratitude in November}

day1. for my husband. there really aren't words for what he means to me.
day2. for the ability to do housework.
day3. for my Lord's unfailing grace.
day4. for clear(er) visions of my life's purpose.
day5. for soggy autumn weather. and cozy fires. and homemade soup.
day6. for used-book stores and the treasures they hold.
day7. for warm pjs and dogs that love snuggles.

day8. for a wedding song that is more true today than it was 7 1/2 years ago.

day9. for chilly breezes through open windows, making a sweater and slippers feel just right.

day10. for sleep...and a lazy day full of it.

day11. for a husband that is dedicated to his school work, even when it makes no sense.
day12. for venti sized starbucks treats and the warmth they provide when the temp drops.

day13. for waking up warm and cozy when it's below freezing outside. thank you husband and dogs for the snuggles.

day14. for my work commute. It lets me see both the sunrise and the sunset (almost daily).

day15. for a glass of wine after a long day.

day16. for an afternoon spent with the bestie and her baby boy (aka sister-n-law and nephew).

day17. for another quiet day at home.

day18. for realizing "debt free" is just around the corner!

day19. for a delicious dinner waiting when I got home.

day20. for coworkers that will walk to 7-11 ("next door") to get me stuff.

day21. for being able to come home when I don't feel well.

day22. for a pot of chili and warm blankets and crackling fire and knowing how blessed we are.

day23. for an easy work-morning.

day24. for "2nd" families and early Thanksgiving dinners.

day25. for a winter storm that didn't hit.

day26. for wee little Christmas trees. sometimes less really is more.

day27. for work luncheons. and jobs that encourage celebration...and prayer before meals.

day28. for a day of thanksgiving.

day29. for the official start of Christmastime.

day30. for the common cold...making it okay to spend the day watching netflix between nyquil naps.

...farewell November, you've been lovely.

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